One of Tosoh Hellas’ principal aims is finding ways to utilise, in other sectors, the solid waste deriving from its manufacturing processes.
The solid left-over residue from processing pyrolusite ore is an inorganic, non-polluting material that contains manganese, potassium, iron, calcium oxides and silic oxides, which has the texture and composition of ordinary soil.
Studies carried out by the company’s R&D Department, in collaboration with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the National Agricultural Research Foundation, have produced encouraging results concerning the potential uses of the material.
It has been concluded that the material can be used as a soil improver, for soils that are manganese poor and that it also promotes the cultivation of vegetables and cereals that have high manganese requirements, as well as promoting the growth of forest species such as pine and cypress.
Its rapid absorption into the soil coupled with its aforementioned properties allow it to be used to restore land sites that have been damaged by quarrying or other such activities.
It has already been used to back fill old sand pits, to rehabilitate land fill sites and unregistered dumping sites and quarries and as a backfill material in port projects.
The signs of its effectiveness as a filter, in improving the quality of polluted soils, are also encouraging.
Read part of the study conducted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki's Pedology Lab.
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